
Hey, there.

If you don't know where you are, this is the product design portfolio for Josh Eyre.

Silk Browser, Amazon

Silk Browser, Amazon

What It Is

The Fire Tablet became an instant hit when it was introduced as a step up from the Kindle Reader. Silk is the Amazon built web browser that comes bundled with the tablet. While based on the ubiquitous Chromium platform, it is heavily customized to leverage the power of AWS. By using the cloud to offload processing from the local hardware, page load performance and other processor intensive features could be improved.

When I Did It


What I Did

While at Silk, I was responsible for finishing up Silk design for the Fire Phone, the Silk update for Fire OS 4, the first version of Private Browsing for the Silk Browser, conceptualizing and testing future browser concepts,  conceptualizing personalization and discovery features, and the designing the first major 1P children's web browser, for the Amazon Freetime App.

  • Collaborate with product managers and engineers to discover opportunities

  • Develop new customer use cases

  • Design customer flows, wireframes, and visual designs

  • Collaborate with user research to test with customers

  • Refine existing experiences & features

  • Deliver specifications to, and collaborate with, developers

  • Define and monitor customer metrics

  • Rinse and repeat

Amazon Fresh

Amazon Fresh

Loreal Matrix App

Loreal Matrix App